Self-Guided Cycling Trips2023-02-15T18:11:51+01:00

Discover the world with our self-guided cycling trips

You will be starring your own adventure in these self-guided journeys. Follow the routes at your own pace without having to worry about logistics and with all essential information about the route at hand.

The most interesting visits, fantastic places to eat and stunning secret sites you can’t miss. Our route workers are experts on bike travelling and have cycled the routes by themselves to make sure you’ll be getting the best experience.

Please find below the trips we are offering. Choose the type of journey or the destination you are interested in, fill out the form and we’ll take care of the rest!

  • Self-guided cycling trips in Spain

In the footsteps of the Spanish Hero El Cid

septiembre 21st, 2022|Bicycle trips, Self guided tours, Spain|

In the footsteps of the Spanish Hero El Cid – A self-guided cycling trip Would you like to enjoy a cycling route exploring the famous route of the Spanish Hero El Cid*at a moment that suits your agenda? We are now offering one of our classic trips as a self-guided route: enjoy the route on a date you choose [...]


enero 31st, 2022|Green Ways, Self guided tours, Spain|

Cycling Holidays on the Plazaola Greenway Trail We propose you a trip on the Plazaola Greenway Trails, in the north of Navarra. A route following the old railway tracks that once connected Pamplona to Donostia. Ride in the shadows of dense beech forests with the spectacular backdrop of the Aralar Mountain range, a legendary place full of history. Along [...]

Cycle along the beaches and cliffs of Cadiz

octubre 10th, 2022|Self guided tours, Spain|

Cycle along the beaches and cliffs of Cadiz Thinking of Cadiz, means thinking of beaches, sea and mountains. But that’s not it. Cadiz is also culture, traditions and superb gastronomy. Travel by bicycle through this impressive but quiet scenery, not yet discovered by mass tourism. Enjoy excellent views, historical towns and natural parks of extraordinary beauty. This 7-day self-guided [...]

Te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra comunidad

¿Te gusta viajar en bici? ¿Conocer gente mientras subes montañas? ¿Disfrutar de tu tiempo de ocio al aire libre? A nosotros nos apasiona organizar viajes.

En caso de que te interese, te invitamos a conocer nuestras propuestas.
Por cierto, si te suscribes te regalamos nuestro 7 preguntas para elegir tu viaje en bicicleta, una guía para ayudarte a encontrar tus vacaciones en bicicleta perfectas.

Puedes consultar nuestra política de privacidad, adaptada al RGPD (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos).

Es aquí, justo debajo, desde donde se entra a esta comunidad de viajeros activos.

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